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دانشکده دندانپزشکی دانشگاه آزاد اصفهان (خوراسگان)
رئیس دانشکده

دکتر مسعود فیض بخش
متخصص ارتودنسی

دانشیار بخش ارتودنسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اصفهان (خوراسگان)
پست الکترونیکی :   dr_feizbakhsh@yahoo.com   تلفن :35354053    فاکس : 35354066
- فارغ التحصیل دکتری حرفه ای دندانپزشکی در دانشکده دندانپزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اصفهان: 1376
- فارغ التحصیل دوره تخصص ارتودنسی دانشکده دندانپزشکی اصفهان : 1379
Head of Orthodontic Department, Dental Faculty, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Azad University (2011-2015).
Examiner in “Orthodontic National Preboard Exam” (2013).
Member of Isfahan Cleft Care Team (ICCT) (2009 - present).
Member of Manager Team of Iranian Orthodontic Association Corporation, Isfahan Division (2005).
Head of public relations in 3rd International Congress of Iranian Association of Orthodontists (IAO)(2004).
Member of Scientific Committee in 3rd International Congress of Iranian Association of Orthodontists (IAO) (2004).
Assistant Professor of Orthodontics, Department of Orthodontics, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Azad University (2004-present).
Diplomat Certification from Iranian Board of Orthodontics (2000).
Professional Background
Head of Orthodontic Department, Dental Faculty, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Azad University (2011-2015).
Assistant Professor of Orthodontics, Department of Orthodontics, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Azad University (2004-present).
Faculty member and Anticipating Postgraduate Program, Department of Orthodontics (2010-present).
Private Clinical Orthodontic practice (2000 -present).
M.Feizbakhsh,A.Omrani,F.Teimori,F.Mirlohi,”Orthodontic treatment needs of 14-18 year-old female students of Isfahan in 2009-2010 using IOTN index”, Journal of Isfahan Dental School 2011; 7(1): 47-52.
M.Feizbakhsh,P.Roshnzamir,F.Teimoori, ,”Evaluation of the accuracy of determining optimal activation force of canine retractor springs by software”, Journal of Isfahan Dental School 2012; Special Issue 7 (5): 460-466.
M.Feizbakhsh,P.Khadem,S.sarandi,F.Temouri,F.Aslani,S.Dadgar,” Orthodontic treatment needs of 14-18 year-old male students of Isfahan (Iran) in 2009-2010 using IOTN index”, J Mash Dent Sch 2013; 37(2): 145-52.
M.Feizbakhsh,P.Khadem,S.Dadgar,M.Jahanbakhsh,M.Mohajeri,”Evaluation of the relative incidence of speech disorders in sagittal dento-alveolar disorders”, J Isfahan Dental School 2014; 10 (1): 38-43.
F.Aslani,A.Omrani,M.Feizbakhsh,R.Ghafari,F.Sobuti,”Determining the degree of identification differences in anatomical landmarks by digital cephalometric radiography and conventional radiographic technique Using Manual Tracing of Human Skulls”,J Mazand Univ Med Sci 2014;24(114):36-43.
M.Feizbakhsh,M.Zare Jahromi,M.Jahanbakhshi,S.Tahmasebi,”Assessment of pulp chamber temperature changes following removal of residual adhesives beneath orthodontic brackets using a high-speed handpiece with and without water cooling”, J Isfahan Dental Sch 2015; 11(2):127-133.
M.Feizbakhsh,M.Barekatain,E.Borhani,F.Temoori,”Shear Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets Cured with Different Light Sources,LED and QTH, Iranian Journal of Orthodontics 2010; 5 (1&2).
M.Feizbakhsh,P.Khadem,P.Torky,S.Dadgar,F.Teimouri,”Orthodontic Treatment Needs for a group of 11-14 year-old Isfahan Schoolboys, Iranian Journal of Orthodontic 2012.
A.Kalantar Moetamedi,M.Feizbakhsh,M.Mortazavi,H.Derakhshanfar,
M.Hasheminasab,”Nasoalveolar molding in cleft lip and palate, a review of literature”, Journal Craniomaxillofacial research 2014; 1 (2).
M.Feizbakhsh,M.Mortazavi,M.Razavi,V.Hajhashemi,”The Effects of Local Injection of Simvastatin on Tooth Movement and Root Resorption Rates Under Orthodontic Forces in Dogs”, Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, August 2014.
M.Feizbakhsh,M.Razavi,M.Minaian,F.Teimoori,S.Dadgar,S.Maghsoodi,”The effect of local injection of the human growth hormone on the mandibular condyle growth in rabbit”, Dental Research Journal 2014; 11 (4).
S.Sadegian,R,Ghafari,M.Feizbakhsh,S.Dadgar,”Dimensional changes of upper airway after rapid maxillary expansion evaluated with cone beam computed tomography”, Orthodontic waves 75 (2016) 10-17.
M.Jahanbakhshi,A.Kalantar Motamedi,M.Feizbakhsh,A.Mogharehabed,”The effect of buccal corticotomy on accelerating orthodontic tooth movement of maxillary canine”, Dental Research Journal 2016; 13 (4).

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